The story behind the Chem Mix Pro….The Chem Mix Pro came about after our business owner Ian decided we needed a dedicated softwashing system. In true Ian style this system had to be “Ian proof”.
On his quest for a dedicated softwash system he discovered that most if not all chemical mixing proportioners available are all made of polypropylene (plastic). Reading others comments regarding the plastic valves and a common issue is that these valves split and split easily….
Taking in to consideration that most if not all our equipment is heavy duty, Ian therefore desired a proportioner that needed to be as heavy duty as the rest of our equipment to survive any true length of time.
The cost also was also a factor as the cheapest proportioner available to purchase was £275. This was enough to start Ian off buying different valves and experimenting on how he could create this heavy duty chemical mixing proportioner to be the heart of his softwash system.
After a few different attempts with various fittings and valves, Ian settled on the idea of an all stainless steel, chemical resistant “Ian proof” proportioner. Ian claiming this to be “The greatest softwash chemical mixing proportioner on the planet”.
Based on his claims, Ian decided that this could be a product he could produce and even sell based on the alternative being a mass of expensive plastic fittings. Testing the proportioner on various softwashing services we carried out in spring/summer 2022, gave Ian the opportunity to really put this proportioner to the test and see if it was suitable for purpose and did it stand up to his claims.
His discovery was that this really is suitable for the purpose of softwashing and that it does stand up to his claims of being “The greatest softwash chemical mixing proportioner on the planet”. Based on its accuracy, mixing ability, robustness and simplicity. The only negative that could be identified was that this proportioner was limited to only mixing SH (sodium hypocloride), Surfactant (soap) & H20 (water).
Ian discovered that this system would also be ideal for other softwash applications, for example: cladding cleaning, static & touring caravan cleaning etc.
Tasks that require lower pressure than that of a pressure washer but with the same or even higher volumes of water in litres per minute.
Ian discussed his thoughts, ideas and plans to spend a considerable amount of ecowash’s 2022 profits and the quieter winter months carrying out a custom softwash trailer build (another winter youtube custom trailer build in the pipeline!!).
Still not forgetting the original Chemical Mixing Proportioner and its claims to be; “The greatest softwash chemical mixing proportioner on the planet”. Ian came up with the name for this without too much difficulty and called it the “Chem Mix Pro”.
After deciding on its name he purchased the domain www.chemmixpro.co.uk, created a logo and spent even more money in producing the first batch of stock of 3×1 chemical mixing proportioners to be available for sale early 2023.
Currently we have the stock of proportioners completed and are now waiting on the first stock batch of metered mounting brackets to reach us to compliment and complete the proportioner ready for sale and distribution.
Please follow our proportioner on social media, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube @chemmixpro
Meanwhile Ian will continue with the custom softwash trailer build and show his progress on both the @ecowashexteriorcleaning and @chemmixpro YouTube channels.